Monday, August 24, 2009

Afghan Elections and Iranian Cabinets

Well, results don't seem to be in yet. Allegations of fraud and serious irregularities remain common, but to what extent it impacted the election has yet to be seen. Both Karzai and the main opponent, Abdullah Abdullah have claimed victory. A repeat of Iran's mess?

Speaking of which, Ahmadinejad announced his cabinet on the 20th, and sparked some controversy by nominating 3 women, the first time women have ever been nominated for cabinet positions since the Revolution. A very clever ploy. If they are accepted, he comes out seeming much more moderate. If they are rejected, he is seen as being moderate and the Majlis (Parliament) as hardline and really conservative. Either way, he wins. The women, Marzieh Vahid Dastjerdi, Fatemeh Ajorlou and Sousan Keshavarz have been nominated for the health, social welfare, and education ministries respectively.

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