Sunday, May 10, 2009

Why I Am Blogging

So I'm guessing you might be wondering, what is the purpose of this blog? Why am I going to be writing? What am I going to be writing. The answer is not simple, but I will do the best I can.

First, the what. I plan to focus mainly on politics and current events, especially relating to the Middle East, Eastern Europe (mainly Balkans), and Central Asia. Other areas will be covered if and when I feel like it, often if something momentous occurs. I will occasionally discus other issues such as reactions to history books I have read, literature reviews, and football (or soccer, though I prefer the term football).

Why? To be blunt, because I love to rant. There are things I feel very strongly about and I think having a blog will enable me to express myself in a way that I can't necessarily otherwise. If people don't read my blog, well at least I'll feel like I have my opinions written down. Not that I mind having an audience, or rather people to discuss with. I don't want this to feel just like a lecture. I want to feel like if people read this, they feel like they can freely respond. So please, if what I say makes you think, feel free to comment. But please, keep comments civil. I retain the right to moderate comments, so anything which is unnecessarily rude or derogatory will not be allowed. Otherwise, please respond to what I say. I hope you enjoy!


  1. you sure knows politics Bendor, you put the B in politics (Okay some jokes don't transfer to writing too well)

  2. What,no foodie blog posts? ;-)

    Welcome to the blogging world. Looking forward to reading you!

