Monday, June 1, 2009

New Housing for Disabled in Afghanistan

Pretty interesting development. 

Makes me wonder why the US hasn't thought of some basic infrastructure building in secure areas of Afghanistan coupled with promises to extend such aid to areas where the local population cooperates in throwing out the Taliban. I mean, when you look at the cost of this project, if all they had built were houses, it would've been an average of $20,000 per house. In the US, the average home size is roughly 2330 square feet. Given that the average cost per square foot to build a house in the US is $95-150. If you accept 95 as the best estimate, the total building cost for an average home comes out to around $220,000. That's right: it costs 10 times as much to build an average home in the US as to build 200 homes in Afghanistan, and these homes in Afghanistan are likely much better than average considering the miserable poverty which afflicts Afghanistan. More details on my views regarding Afghanistan and what I think would be the ideal US policy will come later.

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